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Olympic Winter Games 1968. Boxed Participation Badge "Delegation". Bronze, gold plated wit m/c enamelling, size 5x3.5 cm. In original plastic box with gold embossed manafacturer's name "Arthus Bertrand - Paris". Size 7x5x1.8cm,
€180.00 *
Olympic Games 1964 Innsbruck Participation badge Official participant badge: "Innsbruck 1964 - Official", bronze gilded, colored enamel, 4,2x3 cm.
€100.00 *
Participation Badge: Olympic Games 1976 Innsbruck."Wettkämpfer" (Athlet). Stainless steel, red, yellow enamelled. Size 5.8x3 cm.
€120.00 *
Olympic Games Innsbruck 1976. Participation Badge "Official“'s Badge Olympiade Innsbruck 1976. Steel with red and yellow enamel. Size 5.8x3cm, EF. Very rare!!
€120.00 *
Participation Badge:Olympic Games 1960 Rome. Bronze relief motif with red enamelled bar with inscription „Atleta“ (Athlets). Size 4.3x3.8cm.
€220.00 *
Olympic Games 1940. Visitor pin Garmisch-partenki . Colour enamelled visitor's badge for the Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1940 (which never took place). Size 3,6 cm, white edge, sky navy-blue, symbol black-red. Produced by...
€180.00 *
Olympic Games Munich 1972. Participation badge official badge for „Radio - TV“. Bronze, silver plated, with green bar and blue letters.Size 3.5x2.5cm.
€100.00 *
Olympic Games Grenoble 1968. Press Bagde Olympic Wínter Games Grenoble 1968. Press Badge. Gilt, MC enamelled, yellow background. 4.5x3.5 cm. Extra fine.
€125.00 *
Olympic Games 1948. Participation badge London Participation badge for the Olympic Summer Games in London 1948 with plaque "IOC" (IOC Execuitvmembers). Gold plated brass, partly multicolour enamelled. With two silk ribbons, white and...
€1,500.00 *
Participation Medal: Olympic Games 1968 Winter Games Grenoble 1968 issued to officials. Bronze, gold plated, m/c enamelling. Size 4,2cm.
€125.00 *
Olympic Games 1964. Participation Badge Press Innsbruck 1964 Winter Games "Presse" (Press). Gold plated, m/c enamel with black background. Size 4.2x3 cm.
€140.00 *
Olympic Games 1964. Participation badge Innsbruck X Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1964, Austrian Federal Police Badge, light metal, with coloured enamel, green background, Olympic Emblem and the word „BundesPolizei“. Size 4.2x3 cm, very...
€140.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1964. Participation badge Innsbruck 1964 Winter. „Bundesheer“ Badge for the Austrian army. Aluminium, m/c enamelled. Green background. 4.2x3 cm.
€125.00 *
Olympic Games 1964 Participation Badge Police Innsbruck 1964 Winter. „Bundes-Gendarmerie“ Badge for the Austrian police. Bronze, gold plated, m/c enamelled. Green background. 4.2x3 cm
€140.00 *
Olympic Games 1976. Participation pin Innsbruck Olympic Games 1976. Official „Presse Radion-TV“ Badge Innsbruck 1976. Steel with red and yellow enamel. Very rare! Size 5.8x3 cm. , EF.
€100.00 *
Olympic Games 1968 Grenoble. Participation bagde Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968. „Concurrent“ for athlets. Bronze, gold plated, blue enamelled. Size 5x3.5 cm, --with signs of usage
€180.00 *
Olympic Games 1936. Garmisch Participation badge Olympic Games Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936: Official participant's badge for curling. Bronze, silver-plated, colored enamelled, 2,7 cm. (Elbel 2016: 1936-W-010). Extremely rare. Similar to...
€150.00 *
Participants Medal: Olympic Games 1968 Grenoble. „C.O.J.O.“ (Organizing Commitee). Bronze, gold plated, m/c enamelled. Size 5.3x3.6cm. EF. In original plasticbox (by Arthus Bertrand). Badge condition: A (extrafine); Box with signs of...
€240.00 *
Participation Badge: Olympic Games 1936 "Stab" Official particiapation badge for a member of the administration of the Olympic Village, inscribed "Olympisches Dorf" plus an additional badge "Stab" (staff). With mauve silk ribbon....
€800.00 *
Participation Badge: Olympic Games 1960. Rome Official bronze Press Badge with pink enamelling. Size 4.8x3.8cm.
€200.00 *
Participation Medal: Olympic Games 2002 Issued to volunteers at the 19th Olympic Wintergames in Salt Lake City 2002. Bronze, 7.1x4.0cm
€125.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1956. Participation badge Official participation badge 1956. Olympic Winter Games Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956. With inscription "Ufficiale di Gara" (Games Official, Jugde). Gilt bronze, multicolour enamelled, 5.3x3.2 cm....
€550.00 *
Olympic Games 1906. Silver Participation medal For athletes of the Olymic Games in Athens 1906. By N.Lytas. Bronze (59 grams), 5 cm. Minor dent on edge.
€600.00 *
Participation Medal: Olympic Games Tokio 1964 Small Flag Carrier's participation medal, by Okamoto/Tanaka, bronze, silver plated. There were 94 flag carriers at the Games! Size 4 cm. Very rare!
€350.00 *
Olympic Games 1936. Participation badge Press with inscribtion „PRESSE“ for Berlin 1936. Bronze, with red and yellow ribbon. Size 4.1x11cm
€550.00 *
Olympic Games Helsinki 1952. German Medal Pin Official badge of honour of west German NOC for German silver medallists at the Olympic Games in Helsinki 1952. Silver plated bronze, 2.5 cm. The same badge would have been available in...
€180.00 *
Olympic Games Helsinki 1952 Participation badge „F.I.G. Kilpallun johtaja“ (International Gymnastic Federation) with red silk ribbon. Bronze, silvered MC enameled. Very rare!! EF
€550.00 *
Olympic Games 1906. Official Participation badge Olympic Games Athens 1906. Official participation badge Athens. Gilt, enamelled. 3,6 cm.
€400.00 *
Participation badge: Olympic Winter Games 1976. Official Badge for the „Bundesheer“ (Austrian Army). Stainless steel with red and yellow enamel, size 5.8x3 cm. With original mounted leather clip. 10x3 cm. The leather clip was used to fix...
€125.00 *
Participation Badge: Olympic Games 1964. Official participation badge Tokyo 1964 "Competitor" (Athlet). Bronze, gold plated, Writing band light blue enamelled. Orange silk ribbon. 6,1x3,8 cm. --silk ribbon with signs of usage
€280.00 *
Olympic Games 1906. Official Participation badge Athens. Goldpalted, enameled. 3,6 cm. Original needle is missing. VF
€450.00 *