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Karl Lennartz / Walter Teutenberg The Olympic Games in Paris 1900 German standard work on the 2nd Olympic Games that took place at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900. With complete statistics and numerous original documents and photos...
€75.00 *
Sven Simon Olympic Winter Games 2018 Pyeongchang German Report. 154 pages with 250 colored fotos. 30x23 cm Hardcover. Munich 2018. (German)
€25.00 *
Dr. Karl Lennartz The Games of the III.Olympics 1904 in St.Louis With extensive coverage on the individual competitions and the German participation. With complete statistics and numerous original documents and photos reproduced as...
€50.00 *
Kristin Otto / Heinz Florian Oertel London 2012 - Our Olympic Book -(German) July, August 2012, 5000 athletes, 80 competitions, the sporting highlicht of many careers. Phtos and reports of the exciting, interesting ans sometimes sad...
€24.00 *
Heinz-Ulrich Kammeier / Frank Scheffka / Peter Schwarzlose 50 Jahre Olympische Spiele in München und Sapporo 1972-2022 - 2 Bände Sorry, no english description is available. --- Der Doppelband enthält die Geschichte der Vergabe der...
€49.98 *
Markus Brauckmann / Gregor Schöllgen München 72: Ein deutscher Sommer Sorry, no english description is available. --- Die zweiten Olympischen Sommerspiele auf deutschem Boden sind das erste Weltereignis in der Bundesrepublik: München 72...
€25.00 *
Karl Lennartz / Wolf Reinhardt / Ralph Schlüter The Games of the XX.Olympics 1932 in Lake Placid and Los Angeles With extensive coverage on the individual competitions and the German participation. With complete statistics and numerous...
€60.00 *
Karl Lennartz / Wolf Reinhardt / Ralph Schlüter The Games of the VII. Olympics 1920 in Antwerp With extensive coverage on the individual competitions and the German participation. With complete statistics and numerous original documents...
€60.00 *
Dino Reisner / Siegmund Dunker Olympische Winterspiele 2018 Pyeongchang - Das offizielle EUROSPORT-Buch Sorry, no english description is available. --- Bei den Olympischen Winterspielen sorgen mehr als 2.900 Sportler für mitreißende...
€19.95 *
Wolf Reinhardt / Ralph Schlüter The Games of the IX.Olympics 1928 in Amsterdam and St. Moritz With extensive coverage on the individual competitions and the German participation. With complete statistics and numerous original documents...
€69.95 *
Wolf Reinhardt / Ralph Schlüter The Games of the VIII.Olympics 1924 in Paris and Chamonix With extensive coverage on the individual competitions and the German participation. With complete statistics and numerous original documents and...
€69.80 *
Karl Lennartz / Walter Teutenberg The Olympic Games 1906 in Athens The authors, both historians from Cologne, give an informed account of these forgotten games based on documents, results lists and short biographies.
€27.60 *