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Sportcards Serie 1 Postcards World Cup Champions 1930 - 2018 21 b/w and colour postcards. The winning teams of the World Cup Championships from 1930 to 2018. 21 team photos on b/w- and colour postcards.
€18.90 *
Dietrich Schulze-Marmeling / Bernd-M. Beyer (Hgs.) Das goldene Buch der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft - Aktualisiert bis 2022. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Dieser opulente und großformatige Hardcover-Band hält alle...
€49.90 *
Dirk Karsdorp Women's World Cup 1991-2023 This book contains a statistical record of the FIFA Women’s World Cup from the start of the competition in 1991 right up to the 2023 Final game. Comprising complete match statistics for every...
€33.95 *
Matteo Melodia World Cup Tickets 1930-2018 The book will show the most extensive selection of examples coming from the largest private collection of World Cup tickets each described by ist technical specifications.
€48.00 *
Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken e.V. Qualification for the World Cup 1930-2018 A comprehensive documentation of the qualifiers for the Football World Cups
€41.95 *
Iain Spragg Die Geschichte der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in 100 Objekten Sorry, no english description is available. --- Im Juli 1930 fand in Uruguay die erste Fußball-WM statt. Seither messen sich die besten Teams alle vier Jahre beim...
€19.99 * €29.99 *
Gabriel Mantz The Complete World Cup 2011-2014 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the 2014 FIFA World Cup competition. Comprising complete match statisticsfor every game in the qualifiers and Final...
€39.95 *
Gabriel Mantz The Complete World Cup 2000-2006 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the FIFA World Cup competitions 2000 to 2006. Comprising complete match statistics for every game in the qualifiers and...
€40.80 *
Romeo Ionescu The Complete World Cup 1988-1998 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the FIFA World Cup competitions 1988 to 1998. Comprising complete match statistics for every game in the qualifiers and...
€38.90 *
Alexander Laux Die Nationalelf: Momente für die Ewigkeit Sorry, no english description is available. --- Drei Sterne prangen auf dem Trikot der deutschen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft. Sie symbolisieren den Gewinn von drei WM-Titeln....
€32.00 *
Bernard Lions Mythos Fußball WM: Von 1930 bis heute Sorry, no english description is available. --- Seit mehr als 80 Jahren lässt die FIFA Fußball-WM Millionen von Menschen rund um den Globus träumen, hoffen und mitfiebern. Im Jahre 2014...
€18.00 *
Gabriel Mantz The Complete World Cup 1930-1974 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the FIFA World Cup competitions 1930 to 1974. Comprising complete match statistics for every game in the qualifiers and...
€40.80 *
Hardy Grüne Fußball-EM Enzyklopädie 1960-2012 European Cup Encyclopedia 1960 - 2012 (GERMAN) Everything you ever wanted to know about the European Championships from 1960 to 2008. Lots of information, photos and statistics about each...
€39.90 *