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Revue de la Coupe du Monde du Football 1938 - REPRINT Sorry, no english description is available. --- Sous le patronage de la Fédération Francaise de Football Association. Reprint des offiziellen Programmheftes zur...
€19.80 * €24.80 *
Programma Ufficiale F.I.G.C Campionato Mondiale Di Calcio - REPRINT Sorry, no english description is available. --- Reprint des offiziellen Programmheftes zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1934 in Italien mit ausführlicher Vorstellung aller...
€29.80 *
Sportcards Serie 1 Postcards World Cup Champions 1930 - 2018 21 b/w and colour postcards. The winning teams of the World Cup Championships from 1930 to 2018. 21 team photos on b/w- and colour postcards.
€18.90 *
Dietrich Schulze-Marmeling / Bernd-M. Beyer (Hgs.) Das goldene Buch der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft - Aktualisiert bis 2022. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Dieser opulente und großformatige Hardcover-Band hält alle...
€49.90 *
Werner Skrentny Fußballweltmeisterschaft 1958 Schweden World Cup Championships 1958 in Sweden (GERMAN) Four years after the sensational World Cup Victory in the Wankersdorf Stadium in Bern, the German Team tried in vain to protect their...
€34.00 *
Matthias Voigt Fußballweltmeisterschaft 1962 Chile World Cup Championships 1962 in Chile (GERMAN) All results before, during and after the 7th.World Cup Championships in Chile have been systematically presented and analysed.Facts,...
€24.00 *
Dirk Karsdorp Women's World Cup 1991-2023 This book contains a statistical record of the FIFA Women’s World Cup from the start of the competition in 1991 right up to the 2023 Final game. Comprising complete match statistics for every...
€33.95 *
Folke Havekost / VolkerStahl Fußballweltmeisterschaft 1974 Deutschland World Cup Championship 1974 in Germany. (GERMAN) The year 2004 was not only the anniversary of „the Wonder of Bern“ but also „the Munich Victory“. Unlike the...
€24.00 *
WM 1954 Sammelbilderalbum World Cup 1954, photo album with complete set of 100 photos (GERMAN). Nostalgic photo album including „the wonder of Bern“ photos which can be stuck in the album, plus a broshure explaining the stories behind...
€65.00 *
Matteo Melodia World Cup Tickets 1930-2018 The book will show the most extensive selection of examples coming from the largest private collection of World Cup tickets each described by ist technical specifications.
€48.00 *
Stephan Klemm Die Nacht von Sevilla '82: Ein deutsch-französisches Fußballdrama Sorry, no english description is available. --- Stephan Klemm würdigt das Jahrhundertspiel in einem Buch, das er wie ein Drama konzipiert hat, wobei er...
€24.90 *
Sven Simon European Football Championship 2021 2020 All the matches, with reports and photos, comprehensive coverage of the German Team and statictics. Size 23x30cm, 160 pages, with over 200 m/c photos. (GERMAN).
€19.90 *
Iain Spragg Die Geschichte der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in 100 Objekten Sorry, no english description is available. --- Im Juli 1930 fand in Uruguay die erste Fußball-WM statt. Seither messen sich die besten Teams alle vier Jahre beim...
€19.99 * €29.99 *
UEFA Euro 2016 France. Official Programm General Programm, 154 pages with 200 fotos. 24x16.5 cm softcover.
€20.00 *
Gabriel Mantz The Complete World Cup 2011-2014 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the 2014 FIFA World Cup competition. Comprising complete match statisticsfor every game in the qualifiers and Final...
€39.95 *
Gabriel Mantz The Complete World Cup 2000-2006 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the FIFA World Cup competitions 2000 to 2006. Comprising complete match statistics for every game in the qualifiers and...
€40.80 *
Romeo Ionescu The Complete World Cup 1988-1998 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the FIFA World Cup competitions 1988 to 1998. Comprising complete match statistics for every game in the qualifiers and...
€38.90 *
Alexander Laux Die Nationalelf: Momente für die Ewigkeit Sorry, no english description is available. --- Drei Sterne prangen auf dem Trikot der deutschen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft. Sie symbolisieren den Gewinn von drei WM-Titeln....
€32.00 *
Bernard Lions Mythos Fußball WM: Von 1930 bis heute Sorry, no english description is available. --- Seit mehr als 80 Jahren lässt die FIFA Fußball-WM Millionen von Menschen rund um den Globus träumen, hoffen und mitfiebern. Im Jahre 2014...
€18.00 *
Gabriel Mantz The Complete World Cup 1930-1974 This book contains a complete match-by-match statistical record of the FIFA World Cup competitions 1930 to 1974. Comprising complete match statistics for every game in the qualifiers and...
€40.80 *
Jessen / Stahl / Eggers / Schlüper Fußballweltmeisterschaft 1954 Schweiz - Das Wunder von Bern World Cup Championships 1954 in Switzerland (GERMAN) The only complete documentation of the World Cup Championships 1954 in Switzerland, all...
€24.00 *
Hardy Grüne Fußball-EM Enzyklopädie 1960-2012 European Cup Encyclopedia 1960 - 2012 (GERMAN) Everything you ever wanted to know about the European Championships from 1960 to 2008. Lots of information, photos and statistics about each...
€39.90 *

WM 1954 Sammelbilderalbum ohne Bilder World Cup 1954, photo Album „the Wonder of Bern“ without photos! (GERMAN) Nostalgic photo album for inserting the wonder of Bern photo series, (the 100 photos are not included) Photos were until 2013...
€10.00 *