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Olympic Games 1932. USA Official report Report of the American Olympic Committee. Games of the X Olympiad Los Angeles, California - III Olympic Winter Games Lake Placid, New York. Extensive documentation in word, pictures and statistics....
€175.00 *
George Lattimer Olympic Games 1932. Official report Lake Placid III.Olympic Winter Games Lake Placid 1932. Official Report written by George Lattimer. Library card inside, otherwise in good condition. Size 20x28 cm, 291 pages clothbound...
€240.00 *
Zdenek Skoda Olympc Games 1932. Czech athletes in the USA. Featuring the whole Olympic expedition of the Czech team with travel reports, vistas of hotels and camps, sightseeing activities. Ca.150 of rare b&w photographs, 206 pages, 24x17...
€45.00 *
Bergvall / Jonason Olmypic Games 1932. Olympic Games Los Angeles and Lake Placid 1932. Official Report of the Swedish NOC. (Swedish). 344 pages with approx. 200 b/w-photos, 23x15 cm Hardcover
€90.00 *
Olympics 1932 Collector's Album (GERMAN). Complete with 200 b/w collectors pictures and comprehensive reports on both the summer and winter games. Size 24x31cm, partly cloth bound with 142 pages, printed in Hamburg 1932. (GERMAN).
€40.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1932 Official Bulletin Setting the Stage for the III Olympic Winter Games. Official bulletin about the preparations of the Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid 1932. Published by the "III Olympic Winter Games...
€100.00 *
Mr. Smile Olympic Games 1932 Los Angeles Danish report on the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. (DANISH). 160 pages, 24.5x16.5cm, hardcover, approx. 100 b/w photos, Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen 1932.
€75.00 *
F.A.M. Webster Olympic Games 1932. Official British Report British Olympic Association. The official report of the Xth Olympiad 1932. Official Report of the British Olympic Team 1932. 152 pages with 100 b/w photos, 15x24 cm Softcover,...
€180.00 *
Olympic Games Los Angeles 1932 Pentathlon Mod Xth Olympiad Los Angeles - Pentathlon Moderne 1932. Official publication on rules and principles relating to the pentathlon at the 1932 Olympic Games. (FRENCH) 26 pages, 19.5x12cm, 1 b / w...
€45.00 *
Olympic Games 1932. German report Lake Placid OWG 1932: Report manuscript from the presentation made by Hanns Kilian, Bronze Medalist on 12.4.1932 in Münich. Size 20.5x27 cm, 8 pages, punched,
€75.00 *
Lauri Santala Olympc Games 1932. Official Finnish Report Vol. 4 446 pages with 350 b-w fotos. 24x17 cm Hardback. Werner Söderström GmbH, Finnland 1932.
€100.00 *
Olympic Games 1932. Official French Report Olympic Games 1932. Official French Report by the French NOC about the French participation in the OG 1932 with 74 pages and 100 b/w-photos. Small, limited edition,“La participation Francaise...
€280.00 *
Olympic Games Los Angeles 1932 Press Guide Official four language information brochure. Rare. Rusty brackets. 56 pages, 12x19.5 cm, paperback.
€75.00 *
Official Report Olympic Congress Berlin 1930 Minutes of the Olympic Congress of Berlin 1930. IIIrd Year of the Ixth Olympiad May 25.-30. English/French. Official report of the Olympic Congress in Berlin 1930, published by the...
€150.00 *
Programme: Olympic Winter Games 1932 General Programme with preview and complete programme, size 13.5x19cm, 24 pages,
€60.00 *
Arthur E. Grix Olympic Games 1932. Rare German Report by Grix OG 1932: Very rare German report of the Olympic Games 1932 in Los Angeles. With 120 B/W-photos on 80 pages, Size 22x30 cm. Cover with two small defects on the spine. (GERMAN).
€125.00 *
Olympic Games 1932. Programme Collection Complete collection of all 39 official programmes of the Games in los Angeles. Bound in an original folder from the OC with gold embossed lettering, size 20x27.5cm, approx. 1200 pages, cloth...
€900.00 *
Xth Olympiad Los Angeles U.S.A. 30.8.1932. Opening Cereomony. Olympic Park. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Wasserrandig 32 Seiten, 19x27cm, Broschur.
€75.00 *
Olympics 1932 Commemorative Portfolio featuring 22 b/w-photographs of the Olympic Games in Los Angeles 1932. These photographs were shown in an exhibition by the Public Library LA during the Olympic Art Festival in 1984 in Los Angeles....
€30.00 *
Xth Olympiad Los Angeles 1932. Complete Program of Events. Ticket Information. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Offizielle Broschüre zu den Olympischen Winterspielen 1932. Gesamtprogramm und Kartenpreise. 8 Seiten,...
€30.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1932. Daily Programme Official daily programme of the Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid on 8th February 1932. Jacket slightly shopworn.
€100.00 *
Olympic Games Los Angeles 1932. Daily Programm Xth Olympiad Los Angeles U.S.A. 3.8.1932. Olympic Park. Athletics. 32 pages, 27x19 cm
€45.00 *
Programme: Olympic Games 1932. Closing Ceremony Xth Olympiad Los Angeles U.S.A. 14.8.1932. Closing Ceremony in the . Olympic Park. Size 19x27cm, 32 pages. Very rare copy with corrected printed date!
€80.00 *
Ernst August Kampmann Olympic Games 1932. German Report Weightlifting Report on the journey to the Games in LA and Sport in Germany, plus the event at the Games. Size 21x29cm, 72 pages with 70 b/w photos. Cover rear with tear, very rare!...
€120.00 *
Olympic Games 1932. Official Pictorial Souvenir OG 1932: Official Souvenir Picture Book as a preview of the Games. Size 23x32cm, 64 pages with b/w photos, cond. AII.
€50.00 *