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Die Olympischen Spiele in Amsterdam 1928 in: Die Welt in Bildern. Sammelbilderalbum der Zigarettenfabrik Josetti. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 168 Sammelbilder davon 48 Bilder Olympiade 1928 in Amsterdam und zusätzlich...
€45.00 *
Programme: Olympic Games 1928. Athletics IXth Olympiad Amsterdam 1928. August 5th. Track & Field. 48 pages, size 12.5x21.5 cm. (FRENCH).
€70.00 *
Herinnerings-Album aan de in 1928 te Amsterdam gehouden Olympische Spelen. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Bildband zu den Olympischen Spielen Amsterdam 1928. Rückblick 32 Seiten, 27x19cm, Karton, Mit 31 Fototafeln,...
€60.00 *
Waitzer / Dörr Weltolympia 1928 in Wort und Bild. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ausführliche, reich bebilderte Dokumentation über die Winter- und Sommerspiele 1928. Mit hübschen farbiger Einbandillustration. --Rücken...
€125.00 *
Olympic Games 1928. Official Guide Amsterdam Olympic Games 1928: Detailed official Olympiade guide for the Olympic Games in Amsterdam 1928. Size 11.5x15.5cm, 306 pages wth pictures, Hardcover, with some spots. (DUTCH).
€75.00 *
Olympic Games 1928. German Sticker album Olympia 1928 Amsterdam: Collector's album with 84 coloured stickers of the Olympic Medal winners of 1928.Size each 7x11 cm, album 28x25 cm, 28 pages, cover slightly torn, complete. (GERMAN).
€90.00 *
Olympic Games 1928. Programm Equestrian Sports Official Programme: Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928. No.36 Equestrian Sport. August 11th. cond. AII. (FRENCH).
€60.00 *
Deutscher Reichsausschuß für Leibesübungen (Hg.) Olmypic Games 1928. rare German report Very comprehensive German report of the Olympic Games 1928 in Amsterdam and St.Moritz. Size 23x32 cm Hardcover, 250 fantastic b/w-photos. (GERMAN).
€140.00 *
Wagner / Klipstein / Messerli Olympic Games 1928. Rare Swiss report OG 1928: Rare Swiss Report, comprehensive report abot the Summer and Winter Games with statistics and high quality photos. Size 23x32cm, 104 pages plus 100 pages with...
€160.00 *
Mares Istvan IX. Olympic equastrian in Amsterdam Detailled report about the Olympic Equestrian competitions in Amsterdam 1928. (HUNGARIAN). 229 pages, 23x16cm, hardcover, 142 photos and 27 drawings, Gabor, Budapest 1929.
€125.00 *
Yrjö Halme Olympialaiset 1928. Rare report from finnland about the Olympic Winter and Summer Games 1928. 316 pages and 496 b/w-photos. Hardcover.
€90.00 *
Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928 Reglement Official rules for the swimming events at the Olympic Games in Amsterdam 1928 (Dutch). Slightly chamfered, upper edge with small bad spot. 28 pages 21x12 cm Softcover. Amsterdam 1928
€85.00 *
Olympic Games 1928. Official American Report Olympic Games Amsterdam, American Olympic Committee Report. 476 pages with 200 b/w-fotos, softcover, 15x23 cm. Jacket stained, spine slightly torn, inside good copy.
€225.00 *
Deutscher Olympiaausschuss Olympic Games 1928. Official German Report from the German Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games 1928. Size 21x29cm, 56 pages with 3 photos . --Libary Copy
€125.00 *
Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928 Reglement Fencing 9th Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928. Fencing rules.
€60.00 *
Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928 Reglement Pentathlon 9th Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928. Modern Pentathlon rules.
€60.00 *
Olympic Games 1928. Football Tournament. Uruguay Spanish Report from the Uruguayan FA about the Olympic Football Tournament, size 17x24cm, 176 pages with 26 b/w photos, printed in 1931, cover slightly damaged at the edges, otw. Inside...
€200.00 *
European Sporting activities. Amsterdam - Cologne. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Hrsg. vom Norddeutschen Lloyd in englischer Sprache. Sehr seltener Vorbericht auf die Olympischen Spiele 1928 in Amsterdam aus deutscher...
€48.00 *
Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928 Official Swis Report Rapport Général au Bureau du Comité olympique Suisse sur la Participation suisse aux Jeux de la IXme Olympiade Amsterdam 1928. Official Report of the Swiss Olympic Committee about the...
€200.00 *
Deutscher Reichsausschuß für Leibesübungen Olympic Games 1928. Leather Binding Report Subscription edition - full leather binding. The Olympic Games in 1928 Amsterdam. Edited by „Deutscher Reichsbundes für Leibesübungen“ German National...
€200.00 *
Wagner / Klipstein / Messerli Olympic Games 1928. Rare Swiss report OG 1928: Rare Swiss Report, comprehensive report abot the Summer and Winter Games with statistics and high quality photos. Size 23x32cm, 104 pages plus 100 pages with...
€125.00 *
G. van Rossem Olympic Games 1928. Official Report Amsterdam IX Olympiad 1928. Official Report Amsterdam 1928. (DUTCH) Size 24x30 cm, cloth bound 1042 pages with 400 b/w photos.
€440.00 *
Olympic Games 1928. Official American Report Report of the American Olympic Committee. Ninth Olympic Games, Amsterdam, Holland 1928. Second Olympic Winter Sports St. Moritz 1928. With 250 b/w-photos and lots of statistics!. (ENGLISH)....
€150.00 *
Dr. Franz Mezö Geschichte der Olympischen Spiele. Preisgekröntes Werk des literaischen Wettbewerbes bei den Olympischen Spielen in Amsterdam 1928. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Preisgekröntes Werk des literaischen...
€38.00 *
C.J. Groothoff De Olympische Spelen. De Amsterdamsche Olympische Spelen en een overzicht van de Spelen, die hieraan voorafgingen. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Vorbericht zu den OS 1928. Die Geschichte der olympischen...
€28.00 *