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L'Olympisme par l'Affiche / Olympisme through...
Comite International Olympic L'Olympisme par l'Affiche / Olympisme through Posters. 1896 -1984. Colour illustrated book. Sought after reference book about the official Olympia posters from 1896 until 1984 with all details about size,...
€125.00 *
XIV 1948 Olympia.
XIV 1948 Olympia. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 50 Jahre Olympia, Revue aus London, Berlin-London im Vergleich. 38 Seiten, 17x24cm, Karton, Fototaf., Im Ausland, München 1948.
€48.00 *
Spiele der XX.Olympiade München, Augsburg,...
Spiele der XX.Olympiade München, Augsburg, Kiel. XI.Olympische Winterspiele Sapporo. Hrsg.von Rheinischer Braunkohleverkauf. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Sehr seltenes Sammelbilderalbum 32 Seiten, 21x30cm, Pappband,...
€30.00 *
Olympia in Rom 1960. Ausgabe B (10.-18.Tag).
Gerhard Bahr Olympia in Rom 1960. Ausgabe B (10.-18.Tag). Sorry, no english description is available. --- Schlußfeier Leichtathletik und Reiten 48 Seiten mit ca. 100 S/W- und Farbfotos, 21x31cm, Broschur, Fotos, Nürnberg.
€20.00 *
Olmypic Games 1928. rare German report
Deutscher Reichsausschuß für Leibesübungen (Hg.) Olmypic Games 1928. rare German report Very comprehensive German report of the Olympic Games 1928 in Amsterdam and St.Moritz. Size 23x32 cm Hardcover, 250 fantastic b/w-photos. (GERMAN).
€140.00 *
Olympic Games Innsbruck 1964. GDR Team Book
Olympic Games Innsbruck 1964. GDR Team Book Information about winter sport and the mmbers of the GDR Olympic team. Biographies with photos of all participants of the Olympic Winter Games in Innsbruck. First edition of this series. Rare....
€100.00 *
Olympic Games Tokyo 1964. GDR Team Book
Olympic Games Tokyo 1964. GDR Team Book Press Information. Olympic team of the German Democratic Republic for Tokyo 1964. All East German Olympic participants! (ENGLISH). 232 pages, 14x20 cm, cardboard, approx. 190 b / w photos.
€60.00 *
Olympia 1952. I. Die Olympischen Spiele der...
T. Pakraduny Olympia 1952. I. Die Olympischen Spiele der Antike. II.Die Winterspiele in Oslo 1952. III.Die Sommerspiele in Helsinki 1952. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Österreichisches Olympiabuch. --Einband fleckig 200...
€34.00 *
Olympic Games 2006. Media Guide Opening Ceremony
Olympic Games 2006. Media Guide Opening Ceremony Passion lives here. Closing Ceremony Media Guide. Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006. 26 February 2006. (English/Italian) Extensive, detailed description of the closing ceremony. 136 pages...
€40.00 *
Souvenir Programme: Olympic Games 2004
Souvenir Programme: Olympic Games 2004 Athens. Softcover size 28x33cm, 330 pages with m/c photos! (ENG/GREEK).
€35.00 *
Programme: Olympic Games 2002.Closing Ceremony
Programme: Olympic Games 2002.Closing Ceremony 24 February 2002 Official Programme. Size 23x29 cm, 50 pages with coloured photos.
€34.00 *
Programme:Olympic Games 1992 Opening Ceremony
Programme:Olympic Games 1992 Opening Ceremony Barcelona 1992. Official Programme. Size 29x32 cm, Softcover. 64 pages.
€48.00 *
Olympic Games 2006. Media Guide Opening Ceremony
Olympic Games 2006. Media Guide Opening Ceremony Programme: Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006. Olympic Opening. 10th February 2006. Official Media guide. Size 30x21 cm, 136 pages with 200 coloured photos..(ENGLISH).
€40.00 *
Olympische Winterspiele 2002 - Salt Lake City
Sven Simon Olympische Winterspiele 2002 - Salt Lake City Sorry, no english description is available. --- Das Olympiabuch von Sven Simon und dem Sportinformationsdienst sid. Eine gewohnt ausführliche und übersichtliche Wettkampfstatistik...
€24.00 *
Die deutsche Olympiamannschaft von 1896.
Die deutsche Olympiamannschaft von 1896. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ein Leckerbissen für jeden Olympiasammler. Die Biographien aller deutschen Olympiateilnehmer bei den 1.Olympischen Spielen der Neuzeit 1896 in...
€24.00 *
So war es in St.Moritz. Die V.Olympischen...
Martin Maier So war es in St.Moritz. Die V.Olympischen Winterspiele 1948. Der Versuch einer kritischen Beurteilung. Austrian report of the Olympic Winter Games 1948 in St.Moritz with 100 B/W-photos.
€80.00 *
Die deutsche Olympia-Mannschaft. Salt Lake 2002.
Nationales Olympisches Komitee (NOK) Die deutsche Olympia-Mannschaft. Salt Lake 2002. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Mit Kurzbiografien und Fotos aller bundesdeutschen Teilnehmer an den Olympischen Winterspiele 2002 in...
€30.00 *
Die offiziellen Ergebnisse der XX.Olympischen...
Die offiziellen Ergebnisse der XX.Olympischen Spiele in München 1972. Hrsg.v.OK. 2 Bände. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Offizielle Ergebnislisten alle Plazierungen inkl. Vorläufe. 1000 Seiten, 20x26cm, Karton, München...
€60.00 *
Olympic Games Munich 1972. Official Report
Organisationskomitee der XX. Olympiade München 1972 (Hg.) Olympic Games Munich 1972. Official Report in 3 volumes, I Organisation, 2 Buildings and 3 Competitions. 1181 pages with 500 fotos, cloth bound, issued by the IOC for the XX...
€280.00 *
XVIII Igrzyska Olimpijskie Tokio 1964.
XVIII Igrzyska Olimpijskie Tokio 1964. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Polnisches Olympiabuch; Bearbeitung des DDR-Buches zu den Spielen in Tokio 1964 aus dem Sportverlag Berlin (POLNISCH). 260 Seiten, 22x30cm, Leinen,...
€60.00 *
Olympic Games 1964 Innsbruck Tokio.
Olympic Games 1964 Innsbruck Tokio. "Rapport officiel du Comité Oly" by Swiss OC, size 21x30cm, 155 pages, hard cover. (partly FRENCH or GERMAN).
€90.00 *
XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936.
Organisationskomitee XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936. Participants' list. 9th Olympiad 1936 at Berlin. Edited by the organisation committee for the Olympic Games at Berlin 1936. All participants of the Olympic Summer Games 1936, arranged by...
€150.00 *
Olympic Games 1936. Catalogue Olympic art
Olympic Games 1936. Catalogue Olympic art competition: "Olympic Art Exhibition" Berlin 1936. Very rare German catalogue size 15x21cm, 100 pages with 60 photos. (GERMAN).
€100.00 *
Die Konkurrenzen zu Pferde an den Olympischen...
Gustav Rau Die Konkurrenzen zu Pferde an den Olympischen Spielen zu Stockholm. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Einband berieben 203 Seiten, 15x23cm, Karton, ca. 50 S/W-Fotos, Schickhardt, Stuttgart 1913.
€200.00 *
Olympic Games 1936. Official British Report
H.M. Abrahams Olympic Games 1936. Official British Report British Olympic Association. The official report of the XIth Olympiad Berlin 1936. Official Report of the British Olympic Team Berlin 1936 and a short review of the Winter Games...
€240.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1936. General programm
Olympic Winter Games 1936. General programm Garmisch-Partenkichen 1936, Official Guide. (GERMAN). Size 15x21 cm, 122 pages, with photos and advertising inserts.
€120.00 *
Olympic Games 1936 Swiss Equestrian Report
Olympic Games 1936 Swiss Equestrian Report Equestrian competitions at the Olympic Games 1936. In due consideration of Swiss participation. Rare documentary. 64 pages, 15x21 cm, carton, various black-and-white photos, Schweizer...
€60.00 *
XI. Olympiaden. Berättelse över Olympiska...
Erik Bergvall XI. Olympiaden. Berättelse över Olympiska Spelen i 1936. Detailed documentation about the Olympic Summer Games in Berlin 1936 and the Olympic Winter Games in Garmisch- Partenkirchen 1936. Approx 300 black and white photos,...
€90.00 *
Olympic Games 1936. General rules and programme B
Olympic Games 1936. General rules and programme B Xth Olympiad Berlin 1936. Handbook of sports regulations. Very nice copy.
€250.00 *
Olympic Games 1936. Rare German Report
Hans Borowik Olympic Games 1936. Rare German Report Athletic Record Holders, 64 pages with fotos, 13x21 cm. About the stars of the Olympics in Berlin 1936. Very rare!!
€90.00 *
Olympic games Berlin 1936. Swedish Report 200 fot
Glockar Well Olympic games Berlin 1936. Swedish Report 200 fot size 23x31cm, 80 pages, (SWEDISH).
€60.00 *
Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Officila Guide
Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Officila Guide 172 pages, 20x16 cm Softcover with large map of Berlin and the Olympic Stadion (80x60 cm). --Cover with cellotape
€75.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1936. Rare Swedish Report
D. Jonason Olympic Winter Games 1936. Rare Swedish Report by D.Joanson. 64 pages with 180 b/w-Fotos, Hardcover 22x29 cm. Stockholm 1936.
€80.00 *
Olympia-Weltsender. Hrsg. v.der Reichs Rundfunk...
J.G. Bachmann Olympia-Weltsender. Hrsg. v.der Reichs Rundfunk GmbH. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Dokumentiert die Rundfunkübertragungen und den Rundfunk während der Olympischen Spiele 1936 in Berlin und...
€120.00 *
Olympic Games 1912. Rare German Report
Olympic Games 1912. Rare German Report Olympic Games 1912. Collector's Album with circa 80 b/w photos. (GERMAN). Size 23x30.5 cm, very rare album with 56 pages.
€350.00 *
Old german athletics magazin 1936
Old german athletics magazin 1936 Sorry, no english description is available. --- Amtliches Reichsorgan des NS-Reichsbundes für Leibesübungen. Fachamt Leichtathletik. Ca. 1600 Seiten, 21x29cm, ca. 600 s/w-Fotos, Limpert Verlag, Berlin 1936.
€350.00 *
History of the Stadium of Colombes /Paris
Michael Delépine History of the Stadium of Colombes /Paris Stade de Colmbes saw the Olympic Games of 1924 as well as the Football World Championship of 1938, one of the most famous sports temples in France from 1924 to 1972 and soon to...
€36.00 *
Londýn 2012. Oficiální Publikace Ceského...
Jiri Kolis / Markéta Navrátilová / Herbert Slavík Londýn 2012. Oficiální Publikace Ceského Olympijského Výboru. Olympic games London 2012. Official publication of Czech NOC. Beautiful picture book with special focus on Czech athletes....
€50.00 *
Nagano 98 Hungarian album on XVIII Winter Olympics
Ládonyi Lászlo / Szekeres Tamás Nagano 98 Hungarian album on XVIII Winter Olympics 208 pages, size 22x30cm, hardcover, ca. 150 mc photographs (HUNGARIAN).
€38.00 *
XIV. Olympic Winter Games Sarajevo 1984
Krasen Zwanow XIV. Olympic Winter Games Sarajevo 1984 BULGARIAN book. 140 pages, size 14x20cm, ca.20 b/w photos (BULGARIAN).
€38.00 *