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Hansgeorg Trurnit Das neue Berlin. Stadt der Olympischen Spiele. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Stadtführer durch die Olymiastadt Berlin und Umgebung mit großen Faltbaren Stadtplan 128 Seiten, 13x22cm, Karton, Fotos,...
€20.00 *
Claude-J. Marier Olympic Games Montreal 1976. Official report Canda Report of the Canadian Olympic Association on the preparation for and the participation in the Olympic Games of 1976 in Innsbruck and Montréal (text in English and...
€80.00 *
Willi Knecht Die geteilte Arena Sorry, no english description is available. --- Kleine Geschichte der Olympischen Repräsentation Deutschlands durch BRD und DDR, der "Deutschlandfrage" und der Gesamtdeutschen Mannschaft. Eine...
€34.00 *
Wolfgang Decker / Georgios Dolianitis / Karl Lennartz 100 Years Olympic Games - The Modern Greek Source Catalogue for the exhibition in the German Sportsuniversity Cologne on the history of Olympian movements in the 19th century...
€28.00 *
Olympic Games Melbounre 1956. The Official Report of the Organizing Committee for the Games of the XVI Olympiad Melbourne 1956. 760 pages with Approx. 600 b&w photos,.22x29 cm, artificial leather bound. Without dustjacket.
€500.00 *
Erich Kamper Lexikon der 12000 Olympioniken. Who's who at the Olympics. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 12000 Kurzbiografien von Medailliengewinnern (Name, Vorname, Land, Geburtsdatum/Sterbedatum, Olympiade, Plazierung,...
€50.00 *
Leni Riefenstahl Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Movie Programm Leni Riefenstahl-Movie "Olympic games Berlin 1936 Part II". 8 pages with 12 Fotos, 22-29 cm
€35.00 *
Candidature Acceptance Procedure. Games of the XXX Olympiad 2012.
€25.00 *
Walter Gagg Olympic Games 1984. Official FIFA Report Football Olympic Games 1984: official technical report on the football tournament by the FIFA. Size 15x21cm, 144 pages with b/w photos, cond. A. (ENGLISH).
€60.00 *
Olympic Games 1952. Collector's Cards Kathreiners Sorry, no english description is available. --- Sehr seltene 2.Auflage dieses gesuchten Sammelbilderalbums mit dem Sonderteil zu den Olympischen Winterspielen in Oslo den 20 zusätzlichen...
€80.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1988. Official Report Calgar Official Report of the Olympic Winter Games 1988 in Calgary published by the Organizing Committee. 720 pages with 700 colorphotos. 30x22 cm Hardcover. Inside there are two library stamps.
€250.00 *
Ulrich Kühne-Hellmessen / Detlef Vetten Olympia 2016 - Stars & Spiele. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Im August 2016 blickt die Welt nach Rio: Die 31. Olympischen Sommerspiele versprechen ein farbenfrohes und lebendiges...
€24.00 *
Christian Wacker / Stephan Wassong / Natalia Camps Y Wilant Olympische & Paralympische Diskurse. This book is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Müller for the occasion of his 70th birthday. The contributions stimulate discourse,...
€25.00 *
Otmar Hassenberger (Red.) Olympische Spiele 1952. Band 1: VI.Olympische Winterspiele Oslo 1952. Hrsg. vom Österreichischen Olympischen Comité. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 85 Seiten, 22x30cm, HLeinen, ca. 100 Fotos.,...
€28.00 *
Olympic Games 1984. Official report Los Angeles XXIII Olympiad Los Angeles, 1984. Official Report of the Games in 2 Volumes. FRENCH version. Vol 1: Organisiation and Planning 888 pages; Vol 2: Competition Summary and results. 664 Seiten....
€450.00 *
Volker Kluge Olympic Summer Games 1968 to 1984. Olympic Summer Games 1968 to 1984. Band III. Complete statistics of the Games with all results, placements and non qualifying athletes. The best statistic book to date! 1128 pages. (GERMAN).
€30.00 *
Volker Kluge Olympic Summer Games 1896 to 1936. Olympic Summer Games 1896 to 1936. Band I. Complete statistics of the Games with all results, placements and non qualifying athletes. The best statistic book to date! 943 pages, 10 photos....
€30.00 *
Olympic Games 1952. Programme Closing Ceremony XV Olympia Helsinki 1952. Daily programme 3rd August 1952. 36 pages, size13x19 cm. (FINIISH/FRENCH/ENGLISH).
€40.00 *
Olympic Winter Games Oslo 1952 General programm Official programme of the Olympic WinterGames in Oslo 1952. Very rare. Det offisielle hovedprogramm med veiledning de VI. Olympiske Vinterleker. VI. Olympic Winter Games. Oslo 1952...
€150.00 *
Olympic Games 1960 Rome Programm Opening Ceremony Official daily programme. XVII Rome 1960. Opening Ceremony. 25th August. 32 pages, 15x21 cm. --small handwritten note on the front cover
€40.00 *
Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928 Official Swis Report Rapport Général au Bureau du Comité olympique Suisse sur la Participation suisse aux Jeux de la IXme Olympiade Amsterdam 1928. Official Report of the Swiss Olympic Committee about the...
€200.00 *
Dr. A. Mallwitz Olympic Winter Games 1936 Medecin Congress Sports medicine and Olympic Games 1936. Festschrift of the sports physicians on occassion of the Olympic Winter Games 1936.
€100.00 *
Olympic Games Innsbruck 1964 Official Broschur Official information brochure of the Organisation Committee of the Olympic Games in Innsbruck 1964. The brochure supplied readers with information about the town as well as about the venues...
€25.00 *
Programme: Olympic Games 1912. and General Rules Jeux Olympiques a Stockholm 1912. "Programme et Dispositions Générales". General programme with rules, size 14.5x22cm, 36 pages. (FRENCH).
€90.00 *
Olympic Games 1932. Programme Collection Complete collection of all 39 official programmes of the Games in los Angeles. Bound in an original folder from the OC with gold embossed lettering, size 20x27.5cm, approx. 1200 pages, cloth...
€900.00 *
Olympic Games 1936 Berlin. Swedish Sticker Album Olympic Games 1936 Berlin. Rare Swedish Sticker album, complete with 64 b/w pictures of Swedish candidates for the Games, size 34x24cm, 16 pages, (SWEDISH).
€70.00 *
Olympia 1952. 2 Bände. 1: Aus der Geschichte der olympischen Spiele. 2: Die olympischen Spiele 1952. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 184 Seiten, 24x23cm, Karton, 112 Fotosammelbilder-(komplett), Informator, Frankfurt 1952.
€48.00 *
Xth Olympiad Los Angeles U.S.A. 30.8.1932. Opening Cereomony. Olympic Park. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Wasserrandig 32 Seiten, 19x27cm, Broschur.
€75.00 *
Olympic games 1948. German Report St.Mortiz 190 pages with 120 fotos. 17x22 cm softcover
€100.00 *
The Treasures Of The Olympic Wintergames Sorry, no english description is available. --- Die Großen Momente der Olympischen Winterspiele zusammengestellt in einem einmaligen Erinnerungswerk. Neben Texten und Bildern zu jeder Olympiade...
€50.00 *
Leni Riefenstahl Olympic Games 1936. movie programme: Riefstahl Programme: Rare Film Programme of the first Riefenstahl movie about the Olympic Games 1936 in Berlin. Size 22x29 cm, 8 pages, 7 b/w photos,
€35.00 *
Olympics 1932 Commemorative Portfolio featuring 22 b/w-photographs of the Olympic Games in Los Angeles 1932. These photographs were shown in an exhibition by the Public Library LA during the Olympic Art Festival in 1984 in Los Angeles....
€30.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1948. Daily Programm St. Moritz. Official Daily Programme, No.5 from 3rd febuary 1948. size 14.5x21 cm, 16 pages, rubbed and creased, on page with hand written entries.(ENG/GER/FRENCH).
€65.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 1948 Daily Programm St. Moritz. Official Daily Programme, No.2 from 31st January 1948. size 14.5x21 cm, 12 pages,
€75.00 *
Dr. A. Mallwitz Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Report Medecin Congres 2nd international sports physicians' congress Berlin 1936. Account of proceedings. As a start of the Olympic Games in Berlin 1936 this congress was held. Very rare record....
€125.00 *
JUWO-Sportbuch 3. Sammelbildband mit 103 Bildern, komplett. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Olympische Sommerspiele 1896-1936 und olympische Winterspiele 1924-1964. 80 Seiten, 21x29cm, HLeinen, Mit 103 Fotosammelbilder...
€40.00 *
Olympic Games 1952. Collector cards album from Tu Sorry, no english description is available. --- Sehr seltenes Sammelbilderalbum in dem die deutschen Olympiahoffnungen für 1952 (Winter+Sommer) vorgestellt werden --Einband stockfleckig...
€80.00 *
XIX.Olympische Spiele Mexico 1968. Reihe 5: Turnen - Fechten. (1 Sammelbilderalbum komplett mit 15 Bildern). Sorry, no english description is available. --- Band 5 dieses sehr seltenen Sammelbilderalbum. Umfangreiche Texte, mit allen...
€30.00 *
Olympic Games 1952. Colletors Cards Album: Duisb OG 1952: Colletor's cards album complete with 80 coloured pictures. „Olympic Games 1952. Preview to Helsinki“. Very rare! cond. AII. (GERMAN).
€60.00 *
Raymund Stolze ' XVI.Olympische Winterspiele Albertville '92. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 160 Seiten, 21x28cm, Pappband, ca. 150 Fotos, Sportverlag Berlin, Berlin 1992.
€20.00 *