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Die Olympiamannschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Sapporo '72 Die Olympiamannschaft der Bundesrepublik...
Nationales Olympisches Komitee (NOK) Die Olympiamannschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Sapporo '72 Sorry, no english description is available. --- Mit Fotos und Biografien aller deutschen Olympiateilnehmer. Dreisprachig...
€30.00 *
French Basketball Magazin Olympique Games 1964 Tokyo French Basketball Magazin Olympique Games 1964...
French Basketball Magazin Olympique Games 1964 Tokyo November issue 1964 of the official publication of the French basketball association on the Olympique Games tournaments in basketball in Tokyo 1964 (FRENCH). 32 pages, 24x31cm,...
€34.00 *
Olympic Games 1936: Collector's Album: 2 Volumes Olympic Games 1936: Collector's Album: 2 Volumes
Olympic Games 1936: Collector's Album: 2 Volumes Vol. I: The Olympic Games and a preview of Berlin: with 175 collector's pictures. Vol. II: The Games in Berlin with 200 pictures. Together an impressive, comprehensive documentation of the...
€48.00 *
Athletes Directory Xth Winter Olympics Grenoble 1968 Athletes Directory Xth Winter Olympics Grenoble...
IBM Grenoble 1968 Athletes Directory Xth Winter Olympics Grenoble 1968 IBM/360 generated listing by nations and sports of all participants as submitted by the national sports federations up to 12:00 noon January 30, 1968. 57 pages, soft...
€60.00 *
30 Jahre wie im Sprint 30 Jahre wie im Sprint
Heinz Florian Oertel 30 Jahre wie im Sprint Sorry, no english description is available. --- Dedr bekannte Rundfunk- und Fernsehjournlist berichtet in seinem Buch von Erlebnissen bei den Olympischen Spielen 1952 bis 1980 208 Seiten,...
€18.00 *
Brennpunkte des deutschen Sports. Band 1: Zwischen den Olympischen Spielen. Brennpunkte des deutschen Sports. Band 1:...
Brennpunkte des deutschen Sports. Band 1: Zwischen den Olympischen Spielen. German Sport, collector's album „Brennpunkte des deutschen Sports. Band 1: Zwischen den Olympischen Spielen“. 16 pages about the Olympics and 64 about other...
€100.00 *
Olympic Games 1980 Official Results Olympic Games 1980 Official Results
Monique Berlioux (Red.) Olympic Games 1980 Official Results XIIIth Olympic winter games Lake Placid 1980. Official Results of the Games in Lake Placidand of the XXIInd Olympiad in Moscow 1980. Paperback, size 17x24 cm,. 430 pages, 150...
€80.00 *
The 1972 Munich Olympics - and the making of modern Germany The 1972 Munich Olympics - and the making of...
Christopher Young / Kay Schiller The 1972 Munich Olympics - and the making of modern Germany Munich 1972: The award-winning study about the Olympic Games between coming to terms with the past and the euphoria for the future. 350 pages,...
€28.00 *
Five Rings over Korea. The Secret Negotiations behind the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul. Five Rings over Korea. The Secret Negotiations...
Richard W.Pound Five Rings over Korea. The Secret Negotiations behind the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul. Sorry, no english description is available. --- In politisch turbulenter Zeit engagierte sich das IOC unter Juan Antonio Samaranch in...
€38.00 *
Official Olympic Games Report Calgary Seoul 1988. British Olympic Association. Official Olympic Games Report Calgary Seoul...
Caroline Searle Official Olympic Games Report Calgary Seoul 1988. British Olympic Association. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Offizieller Bericht der BOA über die Olympischen Winter- und Sommerspiele 1988 in Calgary und...
€60.00 *
Official Pin Guide of the 1996 Olympic Games. Supported by the Coca Cola Company. Official Pin Guide of the 1996 Olympic Games....
Coca Cola Official Pin Guide of the 1996 Olympic Games. Supported by the Coca Cola Company. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Komplette Übersicht über alle offiziellen Anstecknadeln zu den Olympischen Sommerspielen in...
€48.00 *
Norway in London. Summer Olympics 1948. Norway in London. Summer Olympics 1948.
Vedin / Christophs Norway in London. Summer Olympics 1948. Rare chronicle of Norways participation in the 1948 summer Olympic Games in London. With 162 pages, ca. 60 b/w-photographs, size 15x20 cm, soft cover brochure.
€48.00 *
The Official British Olympic Report Atlanta 1996 The Official British Olympic Report Atlanta 1996
Peter Nichols The Official British Olympic Report Atlanta 1996 Sorry, no english description is available. --- Offizieller Bericht der British Olympic Association über die Olympischen Sommerspiele 1996 in Atlanta. Mit Grußwort der...
€60.00 *
Olympic Games berlin 1936 Official Daily Programm Olympic Games berlin 1936 Official Daily Programm
Olympic Games berlin 1936 Official Daily Programm 9th August. 55 pages, 22x15 cm
€40.00 *
Olympc Games 1932. Czech athletes in the USA. Olympc Games 1932. Czech athletes in the USA.
Zdenek Skoda Olympc Games 1932. Czech athletes in the USA. Featuring the whole Olympic expedition of the Czech team with travel reports, vistas of hotels and camps, sightseeing activities. Ca.150 of rare b&w photographs, 206 pages, 24x17...
€45.00 *
Olympic Games 1964 Innsbruck. German Teambook Olympic Games 1964 Innsbruck. German Teambook
Sport Informations Dienst (SID) Olympic Games 1964 Innsbruck. German Teambook All German athletes in short biographies. 78 pages, size 15x21 cm, soft cover, ring binder, photos, Düsseldorf 1964.
€70.00 *
Träume, Tränen und Triumphe. Rheinland-Pfälzische Sportler bei Olympischen Spielen. Träume, Tränen und Triumphe....
Stefan Kieffer / Volker Boch Träume, Tränen und Triumphe. Rheinland-Pfälzische Sportler bei Olympischen Spielen. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Umfassende Informationen zu den Rheinland-Pfälzischen Olympia-Teilnehmern...
€36.00 *
Olympische Siege. Medaillen - Diplome - Ehrungen Olympische Siege. Medaillen - Diplome - Ehrungen
Olympische Siege. Medaillen - Diplome - Ehrungen Sorry, no english description is available. --- Das Buch präsentiert erstmals eine umfassende Dokumentation aller Olympischen Medaillen und Diplome von 1896 bis in die Gegenwart. Mit etwa...
€60.00 *
Das offizielle Standardwerk des NOK. Nummerierte Exlusivausgabe, die in Handarbeit in Naturleder gebunden wurde. Das offizielle Standardwerk des NOK....
prosport Das offizielle Standardwerk des NOK. Nummerierte Exlusivausgabe, die in Handarbeit in Naturleder gebunden wurde. Sorry, no english description is available. --- mit aufgesetzter Nachbildung der Siegermedaille von 1988 aus...
€34.00 *
Die Olympischen Spiele 1964. Tokyo - Innsbruck. Die Olympischen Spiele 1964. Tokyo - Innsbruck.
Die Olympischen Spiele 1964. Tokyo - Innsbruck. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ausführliche Berichterstattung von den Olympischen Sommer- und Winterspielen 1964 von den besten deutschen Sportjournalisten der damaligen...
€20.00 *
Olympic Games 1972 programm closing ceremony Olympic Games 1972 programm closing ceremony
Olympic Games 1972 programm closing ceremony of the Games of the XXth Olympiad Munich 1972. 4 pages, 21x20 cm. Folded in centre.
€40.00 *
Winterspiele Lake Placid 1980. Winterspiele Lake Placid 1980.
Autorenteam Winterspiele Lake Placid 1980. Sorry, no english description is available. --- DDR - Olympiabuch 165 Seiten, 24x30cm, Leinen, Fotos, Sportverlag, Berlin 1980.
€25.00 *
Olympia 84. Los Angeles. Sarajevo. Olympia 84. Los Angeles. Sarajevo.
Harry Valerien Olympia 84. Los Angeles. Sarajevo. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 284 Seiten, 22x28cm, Pappband, Fotos, Südwest, München 1984.
€20.00 *
Quest for Gold - The Encyclopedia of American Olympians. Quest for Gold - The Encyclopedia of American...
Bill Mallon / Ian Buchanan / Jeffrey Tishman Quest for Gold - The Encyclopedia of American Olympians. All the US-athletes competing in the Olympic Games from 1896 to 1976. 494 pages, 22x28cm, softcover, about 150 b/w photos, Leisure...
€38.00 *
Bulgaria at the Olympic Games. Bulgaria at the Olympic Games.
Hristo Meranzov / Nikolai Georgiev / Lyudmil Milanov / Kliment Velichkov Bulgaria at the Olympic Games. Compact history of Bulgaria's participation in the Olympic Games from 1896 to 1972. With large statistics section. 256 pages, size...
€38.00 *
Olympic Games 1948 St.Moritz. German Report Olympic Games 1948 St.Moritz. German Report
Gerhard Bahr Olympic Games 1948 St.Moritz. German Report by Gerhard Bahr. 134 pages with 100 fotos. 21x23 cm Hardcover
€100.00 *
Olympic Games 1948. Rare Austrian report. Olympic Games 1948. Rare Austrian report.
Olympic Games 1948. Rare Austrian report. Austrian report of the Olympic Games 1948 in London and St. Moritz. Size 25x34cm, 216 pages with 220 b/w-photos, partly cloth bound. (GERMAN)..
€180.00 *
Olympic Report 1976. Olympic Report 1976.
James Coote Olympic Report 1976. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Über die Winter- und Sommerspiele 220 Seiten, 14x22cm, Pappband, ca.30 s/w-Fotos, Robert Hale, London 1976.
€25.00 *
Olympic Games 1928 German Report Equestrian Olympic Games 1928 German Report Equestrian
Gustav Rau Olympic Games 1928 German Report Equestrian Equestrian Events at the Olympic Games 1912, 1920, 1924 and 1928. Process and state of play. Detailed report of the Equestrian Games from 1912 to 1928. Spine joint burst
€100.00 *
Mein Weg zur Olympia-Medaille. Mit original Signatur von Jürg Röthlisberger auf dem Titelblatt! Mein Weg zur Olympia-Medaille. Mit original...
Jürg Röthlisberger / Wolf Metz Mein Weg zur Olympia-Medaille. Mit original Signatur von Jürg Röthlisberger auf dem Titelblatt! Sorry, no english description is available. --- Jürg Röthlisberger gewann bei den Olympischen Spielen 1976 in...
€30.00 *
Olympic Winter Games 2018 Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games 2018 Pyeongchang
Sven Simon Olympic Winter Games 2018 Pyeongchang German Report. 154 pages with 250 colored fotos. 30x23 cm Hardcover. Munich 2018. (German)
€25.00 *
Die Olympischen Spiele 1960. Rom. Squaw Valley. Die Olympischen Spiele 1960. Rom. Squaw Valley.
Die Olympischen Spiele 1960. Rom. Squaw Valley. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Ausführliche Berichterstattung von den Olympischen Sommer- und Winterspielen 1960 von den besten deutschen Sportjournalisten der damaligen...
€20.00 *
Moskau 1980. Moskau 1980.
Sportverlag Moskau 1980. Sorry, no english description is available. --- DDR - Olympia - Buch 301 Seiten, 25x30cm, Leinen, ca. 300 Farb- und S/W-Fotos, Sportverlag, Berlin 1980.
€20.00 *
Olympic Games 1924. German report Paris+St.Moritz Olympic Games 1924. German report Paris+St.Moritz
Wagner / Eichenberger Olympic Games 1924. German report Paris+St.Moritz Official German report from the Swiss OC by Wagner and Eichenberg. Size 32x21 cm, clothbound, 152 pages with 300 b/w photos. Some spots on cloth (GERMAN).
€79.90 * €125.00 *
Olympic Games 1920. rare Swedish Report Olympic Games 1920. rare Swedish Report
Erik Bergvall Olympic Games 1920. rare Swedish Report Swedish report of the Olympic Games 1920 in Anvers. 5 parts in one band, size 27x37 cm, 160 pages with 400 b/w photos. (SWEDISH) Nice copy!
€280.00 *
Olympische Fußballturniere Band 1. Olympische Fußballturniere Band 1.
IFFHS (Hrgs.) Olympische Fußballturniere Band 1. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Die Turniere von 1896 bis 1924. Statistik und Spielbericht über jedes Spiel. Mit vielen seltenen, bis jetzt noch unveröffentlichten Fotos....
€25.00 *
Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Rare German Report Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Rare German Report
Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Rare German Report Olympic Record Holders from Handball, Boxing and Weightlifting. 48 pages with 3 b/w photos on the inside cover, size 13x21 cm. Very rare!
€90.00 *
Olympia Winterspiele Grenoble 1968. Olympia Winterspiele Grenoble 1968.
Olympia Winterspiele Grenoble 1968. Sorry, no english description is available. --- 110 Seiten, 21x24cm, Pappband, Mit 60 farb.Fotosammelbilder (kompl), Gloria, Zürich 1968.
€20.00 *
Programme: Olympic Games 1956. Closing ceremony Programme: Olympic Games 1956. Closing ceremony
Programme: Olympic Games 1956. Closing ceremony Official Programme of the Olympic Football Final USSR vs Yugoslavia, and the Official Closing Ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 8, 1956 in the Melbourne Cricket Ground. ) size 14x18.5 cm, 16...
€48.00 *
Olympia 1936 Olympia 1936
Olympia 1936 Olympic Games 1936. Rare German Sticker Album from Cremer with 144 fotosticker from the Olympic Games 1936 in Garmisch and Berlin. 64 pages, 24x31 Softcover. Some spots on the cover. Cond.III
€60.00 *
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