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Fußballweltmeisterschaft 1950 Brasilien. World Cup Champiomship 1950 in Brazil (GERMAN) The 1950 Tounament is still known as the „Mystery Tournament“ The only tournament where there was no real final, the first where England took place...
€90.00 *
Pedro Escartin World Cup 1950. Rare Spanish Report With ten photo plates. Extensive book about the football World Cup 1950 in Brazil. 218 pages with fotos, 14x20 cm softcover, Madrid 1950. Absolutely rare. Spine little bit torn. (SPANISH).
€125.00 *
Robert Franta IV. Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1950 in Brasilien. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Alle Spiele der Vor- und Endrunden in Wort, Bild und Statistik. 110 Seiten, 17x24cm, Pappband, 130 Fotos, AGON Sportverlag,...
€38.00 *
World Cup 1950. Rare spanish report Magazine del Campeonato Mundial de Futbol 1950.Numerous photos and reports. Size 26x33, 62 pages. Nice Copy
€160.00 *
World Cup 1950. Rare Spanish Report With reports from all matches. Approx. 48 pages, 140 B/W-Fotos. 31x23 cm. Special issue of the Spanish magazin „Marca“. Nice copy. Very rare. (SPANISH).
€140.00 *
World Cup 1950 Italian Preview + Review Official monthly report of the Italian FA ( Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio) with a preview of the Football World Cup 1950 (26 pages, 26 black-and-white photos of the Italian team) und a review...
€220.00 *
Illustrada. Edicao comemorativa do campeonato de futebol 1950. Portuguese language magazine about the football World Cup 1950 in Brazil. Reports and photos of all matches. Team photos of all teams. Large size multicolour poster (52x37cm)...
€750.00 *
FIFA World Cup 1950. Official stadium broschur offiicial Stadium broschure, 16x23cm, 16 pages,
€90.00 *
Weltbild Fußball-EM-Edition Maracana: Brasilien wird entzaubert. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Mit Beiträgen zum Turnier in Brasilien, zur deutschen Nationalmannschaft, zum historischen Hintergrund; mit Porträts der...
€25.00 *
World Cup 1950. Italian Magazine with report Report on the WC 1050 in particular the Final (10 pages with 69 b/w photos). Size 36x28cm,16 pages with 90 b/w photos. Cover torn at rear, papre stained and fragile. (ITALIAN).
€60.00 *
Album Deportivo. 4 Veces Campeoones Uruguayos. Campeones del Mundo. Sorry, no english description is available. --- Leporello mit den Siegermannschaften Uruguays 1924, 1928, 1930 und 1950. (URUGUAY). 8 Seiten, 14x10cm, Karton, 4 s/w-Fotos.
€75.00 *